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- Joerg Rusnak wrote:
- >
- > Hi Stefan,
- >
- > >What I'm trying to do is this:
- > >Imagine(!) an object like an extruded plane, but with a text carved out
- > >through it, so every letter makes a hole through the object.
- > >Anyone got another idea of how this can be done?
- >
- > In spline-editor surround your text-spline with a box(-spline, sharp
- > corners). Then join all splines together and make your (bevelled or
- > whatever) points ! Now your text is extruded inversely !
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 13:30:52 -0600
- From: Patrick Clarke <patrick.clarke@lmco.com>
- Organization: Lockheed Martin Astronautics
- Subject: Re: [IML] QUEST: Creating an object of a text outline
- Well, you could go to the Spline editor make your text, do a flat (no
- bevel) extrusion, save points, go to the Detail Editor, load the object,
- add a Primitive Plane with subdivisions 1 and 1,( the less complex the
- "dough" the easier to cut thru!). Now position your text in the center
- of the plane, scale the plane bigger than your text, and then pick both
- and hit the Slice command under the Object menu. Now you have booleaned
- the object, and you can go thru all the parts, find the Plane with the
- words cut out, extrude it and you know have a "hunk" of wood, metal,
- etc. with the words cut out of it.
- If it is just a 2D thing, i.e. black background with some sort of light
- effect revealing the letters, just do your text Black and white in a
- paint package, make a plane in Imagine, assign the text file you made as
- a Filter map and viola', instant cookie cutter effect.
- Hope this helps
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 07:32:25 -0500
- From: Chuck Needham <twobit@GLOBALDIALOG.COM>
- Organization: 2Bit Graphics
- YES, yes, the spline editr.
- A quick tip....
- use another letter that is rectangular shapped, san-serif, especially
- the letter 'I'. Enlarge it and using point edit, move the corner points
- so the letter's shape encloses the other text. Works nice if you use a
- rounded corner font for the box. Then ungroup all and join them.
- note: if you are going to phong shade the new shape, you must do some
- point editing on the front faces in the detail editor. There are a lot
- if very thin triangles made by the spline editor when you add faces, and
- phong will sometimes make wrinkles in the flat front-surface. Otherwise,
- you will have to turn off smooth-shading, unless your text is heavily
- bump-textured.
- Expect increased render times if you smooth shade and texture the fonts.
- I recently did a tumbling logo this way for a client.
- Also, it is MUCH faster render if you can render the background first
- and use it as a backdrop for the logo, because of all the little holes
- the raytrace has to calculate.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:03:02 -0400
- From: eno@DORSAI.ORG
- If its not a complex 3D object you're trying to slice, you might use a
- bitmap of your text as a filter brushmap. I've used this to create some
- hi-quality multi-plane CG stuff with DOF, looked great.
- So Senor Bucior, not to be pushy but hows your Boolean .itx going? this will
- soon be another way to accomplish the cookie-cut text.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:32:57 +0100
- From: Ghost <Ghost@MBOX302.SWIPNET.SE>
- Yes, if I understood you right this might work, at least it should work if you
- are running on an Amiga, I don't know about others really, but here it comes.
- Start your 2D paint-program and type your text with black color och a white
- background, the colors are importent. Now you cut it out as a brush, saves it.
- In Imagine you have the option "Convert IFF/ILBM" under the "Object"-menu.
- Choose it and pick the file with the brush. Now comes the tricky part:
- Sometimes Imagine makes a misstake and the object gets wierd. If so, select no
- faces and add them by your self.
- You can also try to have 8 colors in the brushpalette, it can help sometimes.
- I hope it works.
- /Johan Thell
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:13:07 -0400
- From: eno@DORSAI.ORG
- Actually a 2 color palette should work best, no surprises there... I used to
- use this method often with Dpaint set to a high res, using the CGFonts at
- enormous sizes, the reason for this is a small bitmap font with no
- antialiasing (I dont think AA helps you when doing a convert-iff) will
- generate alot of Jaggies, which means ALOT of point editing (although you
- can use smooth-points nowadays). I stopped doing text this way when Impulse
- introduced the postscript font support which worked excellent with the
- Toasters included fonts.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 06:45:50 -0700
- From: Bill Alexander <wlalexander@OLYWA.NET>
- Here's my 2 cents.
- I did the same thing a while back on my a500 imagine 1.1.
- I seperated the word into individual letters, then sliced them individualy.
- alot easier than editing alot of points and stuff.
- cya
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Salvatore Cagliari <cagliaris@SWISSONLINE.CH>
- Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 2:20 PM
- Subject: Re: [IML] QUEST: Creating an object of a text outline.. sort of..
- :)
- >Hi peoples
- >
- >Some time ago, i have trie to do the same thing, and i have found a
- solution:
- >
- >- Make a Picture with the Text that you want.
- >- save it in two version: one with the Text in red, and one with Text in
- the
- >color you wish.
- >- Now for this that you want, you must invert the Picture. make the Text
- >black, and all other colored red.
- >- Add the first(red) Pic as bumb-map.
- >- Add the second Pic as Color Brush at exactly the same position.
- >
- >After render this you have a plane with a colored text that is carved out.
- >
- >This is working wery good on my AMIGA. Try to make two Planes with two
- >different Pictures added and make a morph of this. (I don't try this, but
- it
- >could be wery interesst.)
- >
- >I hope this help you.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 01:27:45 -0700
- From: Drift Dennis <drift@NIGHTHAWK.COM>
- One of the things about slice that I have noted, if it don't slice
- after a few try's, then either it just ain't going to do it, OR, you save
- everything, shut the program down, then start it up again. It seems almost
- as if once the program see's that error, its blinded to the slice, give it a
- short nap and it forgets it couldn't do it, and does it.